Accelerating Success through Strategic Innovation℠
Presentations, Publications & Reports
This section includes allowed-to-share Product Genesis client engagements as well as other innovation presentations, publications or reports of interest.

Publications -
The Business Model Innovation Imperative in Healthcare
Jeff Hovis November 4, 2014
"Orphan Technologies": Leaving Four Trillion Dollars on the Shelf
ISPIM Innnovation Insights, April 2014
Frugal Innovation - A Recipe for Success
TMTC Journal of Management, October 2012
Presentations -
Innovation Opportunity Identification - Tools for Maximizing ROI
Guest Lecture
MIT Sloan School, Product Management Course, Cambridge, MA, USA, 10 February 2016
Voice of the Future (VOF) and Voice of the Market (VOM)
Certificate of Entrepreneurial Leadership
Innovation for Business: Strategic Innovation
Co-Sponsored Panel Discussion: "What's Next ... Orchestrating Strategic Innovation for a Prosperous Tomorrow"
XXIV ISPIM Conference, Helsinki, Finland, 9-12 June 2013
The Green Agenda: How to Identify and Position Compelling Business Value
XXII ISPIM Conference - Sustainability in Innovation: Innovation Management Challenges, Hamburg, Germany, 12-15 June 2011
Weaving Art with Science: Articulating the Value of Opportunities
Making Strategic Innovation Actionable
3rd ISPIM Innovation Symposium -Managing the Art of Innovation, Quebec City, Canada, December 12-15, 2010
Reinventing Innovation at Grundfos
Luminary Session
XXI ISPIM Conference - Dynamics of Innovation, Bilboa, Spain, 6-9 June 2010
From Ideas to Opportunities
XXI ISPIM Conference, Bilboa, Spain, 6-9 June 2010
Innovation = Recovery: Are you ready or just talking about it?
Co-Sponsored Panel Discussion
2nd ISPIM Innovation Symposium-Stimulating Recovery: The Role of Innovation Management, New York, NY, USA 6-9 December 2009
Grabbing Lightning: The Journey Continues... Assessing Your Company's Innovation Maturity Level
2nd ISPIM Innovation Symposium, New York, NY, USA 6-9 December 2009
The Critical 21st Century Management Discipline
XX ISPIM Conference - The Future of Innovation, Vienna, Austria, 21-24 June 2009
Avoiding Commoditization through White Space Innovation and New Business Models
Executive Summary
PDMA & IIR 7th Front End of Innovation, Boston, MA, USA, 18-20 May 2009
Creating an Innovative New Growth Engine in a Mature Company
PDMA & IIR 6th Front End of Innovation, Boston, MA, USA, 18-20 May 2008
Lessons from the Front Lines of Open Innovation
XIX ISPIM Conference - Open Innovation: Creating Products & Services through Collaboration, Tours, France, June 15-18 2008
Grabbing Lightning in an Open, Uncertain Innovation World Articulating the Value of New Business Opportunities
XIX ISPIM, Tours, France, 15-18 June 2008
Confidential Open Innovation: Case Example from Surgical Procedure Innovation
PDMA & IIR 5th Front End of Innovation, Boston, MA, USA, 9-11 May 2007
CIMIT - Center for Integration of Medicine & Innovative Technology
IIR = Institute for International Research
ISPIM = International Society for Profession Innovation Management®
PDMA = Product Development and Management Association
DTU = Danish Technical University
Please contact us with your questions if you are interested in additional information where there is no linked document.